Brandon Miller

Our Podcast

The Strengths Whisperer

By Brandon Miller

Episode 4

Moving People Forward with Nikki Gregory

Nikki Gregory, Chief Meaningful Work Officer at PeopleForward Network, is on a people-first mission, and she’s using her unique strengths profile to achieve it.

In this episode, she shares her passion for building a community of engaged, people-centered workplaces and offers her insights on how others can do the same by leveraging their skills. For Nikki, it starts with creating opportunities for people to find meaning in what they do so that it’s an energizing experience rather than a draining one. Listen in to learn how Nikki’s influencer strengths keep her and her team inspired. Along the way, you’ll also hear the dangers to avoid when it comes to rare strengths.

Additional Resources:

The Strenghts Whisperer

Moving People Forward with Nikki Gregory

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