Dov Baron’s Leadership and Loyalty Podcast

34 Strong’s Darren Virassammy flips the script as he serves as the host on the Leadership and Loyalty Podcast – and get’s to interview The Dragonist Dov Baron Leadership! Tune in as they discuss how you can tap into your dragon fire! You’ll learn how to up-level Your Leadership in a Time of Division.

Dov Baron is “The Dragonist”, guiding us how to recognize and nurture dragons (the top talent) hidden in our organizations. A Dragon Leader is not a position, it’s someone who is always pushing to improve and wants those they serve to reach their full potential.

In June 1990, while free rock climbing, Dov fell approximately 120 feet and landed on his face. The impact shattered most of the bone structure of his face. After ten reconstructive surgeries, no external evidence remains; however, this experience wasn’t just life-changing, it has been completely transformational. Dov shares how Dragons are born in fire, experiences that could potentially destroy you, instead, can birth purpose, passion, and hunger to champion others to nurture the Dragon Fire in ourselves, our families, our communities, and our companies. Dov believes the world needs more “Dragon Leaders” committed to living their purpose, standing in their truth, and empowering others to find their fire and do the same.


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34 Strong’s Darren Virassammy joined host Pete Mockaitis on the How To Be Awesome At Your Job Podcast to discuss techniques and things to keep in mind when building a great culture in your company! Your Key Takeaways: How strengths can both be an asset and a