How To Be Awesome At Your Job Podcast

How To Be Awesome At Your Job Podcast

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34 Strong’s Darren Virassammy joined host Pete Mockaitis on the How To Be Awesome At Your Job Podcast to discuss techniques and things to keep in mind when building a great culture in your company!

Your Key Takeaways:

  • How strengths can both be an asset and a liability
  • The surprising sign of genius
  • The trick to turn your blind spots into strengths

Get more fun, wins, meaning, and money from your job! This show helps grow your skills and impact at any job that requires thinking and collaborating. Each week, Pete interviews thought-leaders and results-getters to discover specific, actionable insights that boost work performance. Their stories and advice sharpen the universal skills to flourish at work. Boost your time/energy management, leadership, confidence, career opportunities, and fulfillment—while still getting home earlier.