Brandon Miller

Our Podcast

The Strengths Whisperer

By Brandon Miller

Episode 11

Finding Your God-Given Gifts with Amber Fields

“Gifts are meant to be given away, but you can’t give them away intentionally if you don’t know what they are.”

Amber Fields is the Chief Culture Officer of trueU and an expert communicator. She’s passionate about using her strengths to unleash her potential and empower leaders to create strong, healthy workplace cultures.

In this episode, Amber shares her story about what it took for her to embrace her strengths and how that led to her being dubbed ‘The Culture Queen.’ For far too long, she tried to mute her gifts because she had been conditioned to think they were weaknesses. Listen in to learn how to appreciate and cultivate other peoples’ talents to serve the greater good of your organization.

Additional Resources:

The Strenghts Whisperer

Finding Your God-Given Gifts with Amber Fields

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